Still Here, Now with Jekyll and GitHub!

So, obviously I have not been good at updating my website / blogging. And I’m guessing I am not alone.

BUT, I have been busy.

In the professional world, I was appointed chair of the IEEE-SA Corporate Advisory Group, which also means a seat on the IEEE-SA Board of Governors. I’m really enjoying the experience and helping to shape IEEE-SA and standards. And a standard I chair, IEEE 2030.5, has been selected for smart inverter communications as part of California’s Rule 21!

In the personal world, there has also been a lot of activity. Sadly, I lost my best friend of 16 years (and I plan to write a future post on elderly dog care), but I also have had lots of good and interesting experiences as well!

As for this site itself, I’ve migrated away from WordPress. I figure if I am not good at regularly updating my content, I’m likely not good at updating the WordPress engine as well. Now the site hopefully looks very similar, but is built using Jekyll (static!) and hosted on GitHub. I’ll spare you the details as there are many excellent tutorials on the process already out there.

Oh - and if you visited before, the Deuterium project is still alive and well.

Stay tuned - I have several future posts planned!